Frequently Asked Questions

When I try to import data throught JDBC It seems to work but i get nothing on the screen ?
Please check you're running on the right schema. Under Postgresql the default schema must be specified as public. Also check that your project name have the same name as the database you're attempting to connect. cp /usr/share/java/postgresql-jdbc2-7.3.jar /usr/lib/j2se/1.4/jre/lib/ext/
I get org.Postgresql.Driver not found ! I can't test the connection to the database !
Please check you've a valid jdbc driver in your classpath. A possible way to get a system-wide jdbc driver is to copy the driver in the jre/lib/ext directory of your $JAVA_HOME.
I get "premature end of file error" when using code generation, what to do ?
It seems that some time a thread is actullaly locking the file to write. Try to close all of the instance and do it again.
How do I use the export as image feature ?
Try File ... --> Save As ... --> and choose an image format (PNG) in the combo box.
How do I add additional indexes ?
In a PDM, go to Table editor, choose the column to be indexed, check the "I" box, "I" stand for index.
During transformation some of my table are ommited ?
You used some inheritance links. As we are in the database world, the way to deal with inheritance may be let to the developper responsability. NO may suggest you to move all the table to the parent class and to add to it a class-type column.